IEEE Papers


What is IEEE journal

IEEE publishes the top journals, transactions, letters, and magazines in the fields of electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy, and numerous other technologies. In the scholarly and scientific community, IEEE is well-known for its rigorous peer-review procedure and excellent publications.

What are all the advantages IEEE journals have?

High-quality research is published in IEEE's open access journals, which are also a reliable source of information about engineering, computers, and technology. This new fully open access journal will publish high-quality, peer-reviewed papers covering the theory, analysis, design, tools, and more.

What are all the subject areas IEEE covers?

There are numerous Topics covered under IEEE publication. We are at HIGS to guide you towards the fast and easy journal publication. We also guide you in manuscript writing, manuscript editing, formatting, and we will guide you in publishing your paper under various research domains such as Aerospace, Bioengineering, Communication, Networking & Broadcasting; Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems, Computing & Processing, English for Engineering, Fields, Waves & Electromagnetics, General Topics for Engineers, Photonics & Electro-Optics, Power, Energy, & Industry Applications, Robotics & Control Systems, Signal Processing & Analysis, Transportation, and more.

IEEE journal Impact factor

The average number of times articles from a journal that were published within the last two years are cited in the JCR year is known as the Journal Impact Factor. A so-called popularity metric known as the Journal Impact Factor is based on the raw quantity of citations, each of which counts the same regardless of the source's quality.

The IEEE periodicals that will have the biggest impact factors in 2025 are: IEEE Intelligent Systems – 6.744. IEEE MultiMedia – 3.491. IEEE Security & Privacy – 3.105

Article Influence Score

With an extra normalization to the quantity of published papers, the Eigenfactor Score's characteristics are also included in the Article Influence Score, another prestige metric. Therefore, it can be regarded as the mean impact of a journal's articles within the initial five years following their publication.

What are all the advantages of publishing your papers in IEEE papers?

There are plenty of advantages available at HIGS regarding your PhD research. We are helping over nearly 150+ clients every year to publish their research papers in a reputable journal. We at HIGS give plenty of advantages to our clients. Here, we give promises such as in,

  • Fast and easy paper publication
  • Paper writing & rewriting process
  • We give you a free journal suggestions
  • A complete Plagiarism check by using Turnitin
  • Journal revision process
  • Journal resubmission process
  • Journal formatting
  • Journal paper proofreading

What is the basic rule of submitting an IEEE paper?

Every journal has a common rule for paper publication. But it may vary with slight differences. Here, we have listed some basic requirements needed for journal submission. They are,

  • 1. Before deciding to publish your paper in IEEE journal, you need to make sure that your paper is writing with the highest quality level.
  • 2. Your paper title should be centered at the top of the research paper. ( A title must be 24- point type)
  • 3. The body of the paper should be in a 10- point type.
  • 4. Your IEEE papers must be divided into sections and subsections.
  • 5. Figures, tables, graphs, and equations must be numbered one after the other.
  • 6. IEEE paper’s abstract must be written in a single paragraph roughly about 200 words in length.
  • 7. Your overall IEEE research paper must be free from grammatical errors, synonyms error, formatting error, and more.

Download entire IEEE journal lists & hire experts here

Is it tough to publish a paper in IEEE?

Publishing a research paper in a prestigious journal always needs the highest range of quality. Publishing a manuscript is really a challenging task if it is of low quality. So, in order to save you in this situation, we come and help you in rewriting your research paper, editing your research paper, and publishing your research paper. We make your IEEE paper publishing easier!

Can you publish your paper in IEEE for free?

Yes. IEEE offers both free and paid journals for paper publication. IEEE has several lists for free journal publication for various research domains.

How to write a good IEEE paper?

HIGS has put forward some important tips to write your research paper. There are several sections that must be included in the IEEE paper. They are,

  • 1. Title page
  • 2. Abstract
  • 3. Introduction
  • 4. Methods
  • 5. Results & Discussion
  • 6. Conclusion
  • 7. References

And HIGS is taking care of writing a high quality research paper and also rewriting a high quality research paper. We will help you to write an error-free research paper or else we will rewrite your low quality research paper. We will edit your research paper with the help of a high quality research paper editor.

How many pages are required for an IEEE paper?

The number of pages in your research paper is one of the first things you’ll want to consider after receiving the research paper topic. The maximum length is typically 10 pages for Papers, 15 pages for Surveys, and 6 pages for others.

How to find an IEEE research paper?
You can use the global search box at the top of IEEE explore to start your research.
  • You can enter one or more keywords in the global search box
  • If you are getting the pop-up once after entering the first three letters of the keywords, then you can check whether the specified journal paper is there or not.
  • View the result of the required article and you can save it for future research.
How to edit the IEEE research paper?

Editing is an integral part of your writing work, and it improves the quality of your entire research paper. Our editors team will assess your manuscript on the basis of language quality, clarity, and information presentation. The editing process always includes grammar check, spelling check with the motive of improving the overall writing style & structure of the research paper.

How to format an IEEE research paper?

  • 1. The title of the paper should be written in 24-point type and centered at the top of the first page.
  • 2. After a line break and in 10-point font, the byline should be centered beneath the title.
  • 3. The paper's body should be prepared to appear in two columns and should use 10-point type.
    • Author’s name (or authors’ names)
    • Author affiliation(s)
    • City & country location(s)
    • E-mail address(es)
  • 4. Sections and subsections can be included in papers; the IEEE provides recommendations for main, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary section headings.
  • 5. Figures, tables, and equations should each be numbered consecutively, but separately. They should also be centered in the column in which they appear.
  • 6. Depending on the field and setting, papers may contain some or all of the following:
    • Note to Practitioners
    • Nomenclature
    • Appendices
    • Acknowledgements
  • 7. Roman numbers are used to list the primary headings; these are set in small caps, centered above the text, and are followed by a period.
  • 8. The secondary headers are listed in uppercase characters, are separated from the body of text by a line break, and are italicized and title case.
  • 9. Arabic numbers are used to indicate tertiary headings, which are then split from the body of content by a colon, left-aligned, italicized, and title cased. The text and heading do not have a line break.
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