How to get SCI journals for free

A guide for beginners

The goal of SCI is to offer free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in the journal. SCI is a quarterly online publication and it is an international, open-access journal that covers all study topics.


What are all the advantages of publishing papers in journals?

For PhD scholars, gathering and reviewing relevant research articles to one's research areas is crucial. But one of the most challenging things for every researcher is downloading a study article. There are some common advantages of publishing your papers in journals. They are,

  • Keep better track of your aim.
  • Track progress and growth.
  • Gain self-confidence.
  • Improve communication
  • Improve writing abilities.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Find inspiration.
  • Strengthen memory.
  • Stream of consciousness.
  • Improve knowledge of the lecture material.
  • Exercises in preparation for the final project.
  • A crucial prerequisite for lecturers or academics.

What could be the main reasons to publish my research paper in SCI?

  • Credit.
  • Recognition.
  • Discoverability.
  • Reusability.
  • Awareness.
  • Accessibility.
  • Peer-review.
  • Expert Services.

What are all the benefits of publishing in indexed journals?

  • A journal's impact factor can be significantly impacted by being indexed.
  • Your articles will receive more citations as a result of being listed in the major indexes or even the smaller but more specialized indexes because they are now easier to find.
  • The researcher may be able to find financing, partnerships, and other opportunities with this.
  • Public trust in researchers and their work can rise as a result of publishing research papers in respectable publications, which provide legitimacy to the researcher and the research.

Should I pay for journal publication?

Only if the work is accepted for publication will payment be required. The author often is not required to pay anything if the manuscript is rejected.

How can I publish my paper fast?

  • Start writing early.
  • Write clearly.
  • Choose the right journal.
  • Know when to submit.
  • Seek pre-publication peer review.
  • Use reference formatting software.

How do you get my journal published?

  • Prepare your article.
  • Look at the guidelines for authors.
  • Send in your submission.
  • Do some publishing options research.
  • Peer assessment
  • Making changes
  • Your article has been accepted.
  • promoting the work you've published.
Accelerate your publication support with our end-to-end publication support
  • Each stage of publication is guided by professionals.
  • Save time and effort on administrative tasks.
  • assistance in getting published in the right journals

How to maximize the chances of getting published

  • Your time is valuable whether you are a senior researcher or a Ph.D. student. In order to assist you at every stage of your publication journey, HIGS has given publication support services.
  • Before submitting your manuscript to your desired journal, our publication specialists will analyze it and offer helpful feedback to help you make improvements.
  • We collaborate with you to choose the best target journals, help with article editing, conduct peer reviews, put together your journal submission package with you, submit on your behalf to your target journal, and offer assistance up until your paper is published.

How you will get support from your team?

1.Pre-submission peer review 2. Journal selection
3. Substantive editing 4. Formatting
5. Submission support 6. Response to reviewers

What are the benefits I will get if I use your services?

Professional touch

You concentrate your time and effort on your study; we will take care of your publication steps.

End-to-end package

Depending on the requirements of your journal, we'll assist you with every step of the publication process, from editing and polishing your manuscript to assisting with target journal formatting, and journal selection. We'll also make sure that you've addressed all of the journal reviewers' comments in your response.

Experienced editors

Editors with experience in peer review and publication in international journals will handle your submission.

Subject Experts Comments & Suggestions

Our subject matter experts will offer feedback and recommendations to help you organize and communicate your ideas more effectively in your work.

Quick and dependable service

You can count on us to provide you with our services on time.

Post-delivery assistance

Even after we have finished providing you with our services, we remain in contact with you and help you at every turn.

How long can it take to publish a paper?

Peer review normally takes 7 to 12 weeks, according to studies, so it might take up to 3 months, but there are a lot of factors to consider. These include the internal workings of the journal, the frequency of publications, the accessibility of peer reviewers, and other external factors.

How do I write a SCI paper?

1. Don't Start at the Beginning.
2. Storyboard the Figures.
3. Write the Methods Section.
4. Write the Results and Discussion Section.
5. Write the Conclusion.
6. Now Write the Introduction.
7. Assemble References.

How to find a SCI journal?

Search for the journal-title. If the result shows "Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index, "Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded" or "Social Sciences Citation Index" it means that the journal is indexed in SCI, SCIE, or SSCI, respectively.

What is required for the SCI journal?

  • Title, Authors, Affiliates, Abstract, and Keywords are listed in the front matter.
  • Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions are the sections of a research manuscript.
  • To determine whether your work is appropriate for this publication, read the Aims & Scope
  • Ensure that the necessary consideration has been given to publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure forms, data, and references format.
  • Verify that the submitted manuscript's content has the approval of all authors.
  • Authors are urged to include a biography with their submission (it's optional) and publish it to SCI.