Am unable to find my research problem for my current topic. Can you help me?

“Yes. We can. Our team is here to help you with problem identification. Our subject-matter experts will clearly identify the issue and help you in finding out the solution for your research”

What is a research problem?

A research challenge is a particular issue or knowledge gap that you want to fill with your research. You can decide whether to look for theoretical difficulties that will advance knowledge or practical ones that will promote change.


Our working process :

Here we undergo Our Typical “ 8 ” Steps of The Working Process to make sure that your work has met the 100% Quality Level. We follow,

How do our professionals stand with you in your research work?

  • We help you in writing a clear problem statement
  • We help you in writing strong research questions
  • Help you in writing a strong hypothesis
If you want to know more about the research process, methodology, research bias, or statistics, you can hire us and get some eye-catching services.

How do we identify the exact research problem?

Our experts will read the existing research, its theory, and the current state of debates in your research and we find a gap in what is currently known about it.

Here, we follow the ‘5’ Important Steps in research problem identification. They are,

  • 1 step Give a list of the area of interests
  • 2 step Select the appropriate research topic.
  • 3 step Focus on your research question.
  • 4 step Choose a research issue.
  • 5 step Determine the goal of your research.

How HIGS will read and reformulate a research problem ?

1. Select a broad problem (area of interest) 2. Is the problem shared by real people (ethical)
The broad area of research will be investigated Investigate the ethical statement of the research
3. Read ( from general to specific) 4. Write a final working problem
Completely read the work to understand the problem You should find out and write the correct problem

What are all the facts we keep in mind while identifying a research problem ?

We take too many factors into consideration to finalize the research problem. They are, Significance

  • Research ability
  • Nature of the problem
  • Ethical considerations
  • Feasibility
  • Time
  • Funding
  • Research Expertise
  • Availability of participants
  • Availability of facilities
  • Availability of equipment

How do we identify a research problem in a broad area of research ?

We take over two categories of research problems. They are,

Practical research problem

If you are doing practical research, you can identify a problem by reading reports, following up on previous research, or talking to people who work in the relevant field or organization. You might look for,

  • Problems with effectiveness or performance
  • Things that could be done better
  • Practitioners' top concerns in certain areas
  • Challenges that certain groups of people experience

Theoretical research problem

Reading existing research, theory, and discussions on your issue will help you locate a gap in what is currently known about it if you are conducting theoretical research. You could search for:

  • A phenomenon or context that hasn't been thoroughly investigated
  • The contradiction between two or more viewpoints
  • A poorly understood situation or relationship
  • A troubling research problem that needs to be solved

Our Simple way of working procedure in the identification of the research problem

  • We clearly look over your work
  • Ask a question
  • Construct a hypothesis
  • Test your hypothesis with an experiment
  • Analyze your data and draw an experiment
  • Future actions

What are all the tools and features we use to identify your research problem?

The three distinct categories of problem-solving tools are Problem-solving mind maps, Problem-solving software, Problem-solving diagrams

Challenges we solve here,
  • Our team will accurately identify your problem and plan for your solution
  • We design and build a relevant solution
  • Have continued improvement & changes
  • Improve business solution

“A research problem aids in determining the strategy you should employ for the research activity. It helps in identifying each stage necessary to conduct your research study that includes the sampling technique, research design, research analysis, and research tools to be employed”

How to hire a research assistant?

While doing your PhD research, you may be put into several problems. In order to overcome all the struggles, you need to hire a research assistant. To find your research problem, you must hire an expert. HIGS has a group of individuals to help you in finding your correct research problem.

  • Our experts will clearly state what you really want to do
  • Identify your problem statement as a question, statement, or hypothesis.
  • Briefly indicate the relevance of your question
  • Comment on the practical value of your research project

What are all the steps we follow for the formulation of the research problem ?

Our Team will Follow the ‘9’ Steps to Formulate your Research Problem. They are,

  • We first identify the subject
  • We go for a problem definition
  • We write for a literature review
  • We design research methodologies
  • Data gathering
  • Data analysis
  • Implication & conclusion
  • Recommendation
  • Publication of research