Example of research methodology

Research Methodology is a way of elucidating how a researcher is going to carry out their research. It is actually a logical & systematic strategy to resolve a research problem. Your research methodology must simply justify the practical statement “how” of your research topic. Choosing a simple and effective research methodology can be the toughest task. So, for this reason, HIGS will help you to choose your effective research methodology.

  • A research framework including philosophies, statement, hypothesis, methods, procedures, and methods used to augment the consistency and validity of the research and philosophical orientation of the research.
  • PhD research methodology is the justification for choosing PhD research methodology and it reveals the consideration and limitations of the research methodology.

We have given a brief details about the following topics

  • Concept research methodology
  • Research methodology notes for PhD students
  • Research methodology syllabus for PhD
  • Research methodology MCQ for PhD entrance exam
example of research methodology

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Example of research methodology extra content

You can check out the research methodology for PhD entrance exams. You can download the research methodology for PhD entrance PDF from here. You will get a sample of the research methodology from experts. Our expert team at HIGS will give you the best research methodology topics, and syllabus of research methodology for PhD, PhD interview questions on research methodology, and more.

What is research in PhD?

It aims to get advanced knowledge & benefits by developing scientific theories, concepts, and ideas. Your research may include various PhD research methodology types, proposals, papers, and a thesis. You can download the research methodology objective questions pdf here.

HIGS #1 Phd Research Assistance Private Company!
We believe everyone deserves to have a doctorate in their field. Our expert team provides comprehensive services, including writing high-quality Research papers, Thesis/Dissertations, Proposals, Reviews, and Synopsis. We offer top-notch Editing, Journal publication support and Plagiarism checking to ensure your work meets the highest standards”.

Effective Methodology Guidance - Our expert team provides effective guidance on research methodology to ensure the success of your research project.

Custom Methodology Plans - At HIGS, We design a research methodology that meets all academic standards and ensures accurate and reliable results.

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Research methodology notes for PhD students

  • Introduction
  • Aim of the study
  • Scope and period
  • Method of study
  • Data processing
  • Limitation of the research study

In a large country like India, it is usual to have a great and huge system of higher education with a great number of universities and colleges. The number of PhD students looking for University registration for higher education has increased manifold and will continue to increase. So in your PhD research methodology should contain the following steps.

  • Concept of the research methodology, Objectives and purpose of the research and the types of the research
  • Qualities of Researcher
  • Importance of the research
  • Process of research
  • Problem of research
  • Features, methods, importance, characteristics, concepts, and types of research design
  • Research case study
  • Hypothesis and it’s testing
  • Sample survey and sampling procedure.
phd research methodology

Concept of research and research Methodology

Research is defined as the search for acquaintance under the specific topics or specific zone. It is a scientific and methodical look for gathering data for a particular topic or problem. It is also recognized as the art of scientific examination or study. There are numerous social scientists have explained the terms of research in various ways.

Research methodology is a specific procedure or technique used to recognize, choose, progress, and investigate information about a topic. The methodology part of the research paper should give a clear detail about the validity and reliability of the research for the readers.

Types of research methodology

Usually, research methods can be broadly classified into two categories. They are applied research methodology and fundamental research methods.

  • Applied research methodology

    In this method, new methods and hypotheses are incorporated into the existing methods and hypothesis. The problems will be identified from the point of one discipline.

  • Fundamental research methodology

    This methodology is aims to resolve problems by the addition of the application of discipline. In this methodology, several disciplines are work together for resolving the specific issue.

  • Conclusive research methodology

    Conclusive studies, on the contrary, intend to offer last and final answers to research questions. This type of methodology is well structured and designed systematically. And it is an official and perfect methodology and needs to be followed under specific testing.

  • Exploratory research methodology

    The exploratory research method is having the main aim of exploring the research area and in this methodology; there won’t be any attempt to present final and conclusive solutions to research questions. And also flexible investigations are given in this research methodology. This methodology won’t have information apart from the research topic and this will not involve in the testing of hypotheses.

  • Types of research methodology based on research design

    On the basis of research design and the structure of research, the types of research methods can be categorized into 2 criteria and they are,

    • Exploratory research methodology
    • Conclusive research methodology

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  • We clearly analyze your research work and we will deliver the best research methodology for you.
  • We keep you engaged with all the novel research ideas provided by our research experts.
  • We value your broader goals and motivations
  • We use various novel investigation techniques for your research study.

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MCQ on research methodology for PhD entrance

A definite stage of workability at a certain level is known as aptitude. For University registration you must score on your entrance exams, for this all the PhD entrance exams mostly give you multiple choices of questions. Hereby, we offer you with the MCQ for law, MCQ for Microbiology, MCQ on report writing in research methodology, research aptitude MCQ, MCQ on the research process, MCQ for Engineering and technological PhD research, solved MCQ for research methodology and more.

Accept it or not, MCQ for PhD entrance exams are now universally accepted and adapted format for all the Students whoever attempting for entrance exams and with the intention of testing their IQ and knowledge in relevant to your research topics and domain. Students find this MCQ in entrance exams as confusing, difficult, and risky. Some experience that the questions are intentionally phrased and categorized and the students choose the wrong answer. Despite the fact that attending the MCQ's during the entrance exams of your PhD, students must be relaxed and attempt the test without getting nervous. Here we have given some tips to be followed while attempting the Multiple Choice Questions in your PhD entrance exams.

  • Understand the questions carefully.
  • Try to guess what the answer is before you go for the given choices.
  • If you are not sure about your answer, eliminate the unnecessary answers and try to keep in mind if any of the answers left are related to those questions or a subject. Try to recollect the word which is given in the choices and if you have never heard of a choice in your subject it is preferred to be eliminated then it is probably not the answer.
  • After eliminating all other unwanted choices and have a logical guess associated with the question. Remember, the first guess is generally more reliable unless you get a major revelation along the way.
  • If you are still confused, mark the question in which you are confused so you can get it easier later and go on with the exam. Sometimes the answer you're looking for may be specified for a different question. And you can set off that question later.
  • Never neglect the multiple-choice question blank. You have a 20-25% chance of predicting it correctly by guessing.
  • If your options are available with all of the above choice, in that situation, If 2 or more of the answers are correct, then the all-of-the-above option is the correct answer.
  • Sometimes if there are 2 options that are similar except for one word. Such a pair shows that the question is focused there. Usually you can assume the answer is one of that pair.

Research methodology syllabus for PhD

Research methodology syllabus for PhD entrance exams includes qualities of a researcher, components of a research problem, types of research, research design, case study research, merits and demerits of the research, statistical applications of the research, research ethics, logic and reasoning, structure and components of a research report, types of the research report, characteristics of a good research report, and more.

Best research methodology books for PhD

Books are your best guide. There are some great books are available written and edited by great scientists and authors. And you can refer the whole book under www.educatorstechnology.com

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Frequently asked questions

Research methodology is the exact and acceptable procedures or a method used for the identification, selection, processing, and analyzing information about a specific PhD research topic. In effective research paper writing, the methodology should be clearly included and also it must permit the reader to seriously assess an overall research duration and reliability.
In a PhD thesis and synopsis, a researcher has to talk about the methods, techniques and the procedure they have used to do the entire research.
  • Give details about your methodological approach.
  • Explain your methods of data collection.
  • Illustrate your methods of analysis.
The research method is a method which are used for defining the deep view about a research topic and to set up a deeper understanding about the research methods whereas, research implementation steps is a methodical approach to gather and assess the data in the research progression
The two basic research methodologies are quantitative and qualitative research. Both types have different research purposes.
Usually, qualitative research is descriptive, because it deals with non-numerical and unquantifiable things. Whereas, quantitative research methods is, qualitatively describing what happens actually, and also taking up the quantitative numerical data about the wavelength, amplitude, and frequency of various waves.
There are 3 main types of descriptive methodologies likely, observational methods, case-study methods and survey methods. And each and every method has its own advantages, and drawbacks.
Descriptive research method - review, historical, content analysis, qualitative Associational research method- correlational, causal-comparative. Interventional research method - experimental, quasi-experimental, action research.
Graphs, illustrations and images are used to present the data, clarify interpretation and to explain concepts.
A record of books referred to a research work.
It involves in identify the potential ideas, choosing and narrowing a topic, conducting preliminary research, constructing a working methodology, creating research proposal.
Copyright is a right to copy a work, rights to create a derivative works, and rights to publicly display the work. Plagiarisms is the practice of using someone else’s work and make up that work into our own.
The Multistage Sampling is the probability sampling method in which the sampling is practiced in numerous stages such that the sample size gets condensed at every stage.
Funding is not necessary for a good research but, funding will permit the researcher to think on the new experiments.
It is a method of non-probability sampling that occupies the selection of components on the basis of factors excluding random chance.
Stratified sampling is the sampling technique in which the total population is grouped into lesser groups.
Sampling cases actually means sampling people, newspapers, television programs etc.
Dissertation is actually includes Introduction, Literature review, research methods, results, discussion, conclusion.
Laboratory and field experiments are the examples of scientific knowledge.
Deductive theory is actually involves in testing an explicitly defined hypothesis.
Systematic sampling technique is involves in population is finite.
It must be form up in such a way that it can be tested by the data. It must be specific, precise, and consistent. It should not have global significance.
A research must be objective, purposive sampling, and reliable.
The data of the research must be qualitative and quantitative.
It can be improved by taking the true representative sample of the population and by means of eliminating extraneous factors
Quota sample and purposive samples are non-probability samples.
It must arrange in a logical, topical, and chronological order. It must not have numerical figures; there must be a comparison of results with those of others research studies.