HIGS Wish You INDIA To Go Even Higher! Best Of Luck On Chandraayn-3’s Journey! Thanks To ISRO For Making This Landing As Smooth As The moon. On This Momentous Day, We Send Chandrayaan 3 Our Warmest Greetings, Congratulations India!
  • Chandrayaan is the name of India’s first lunar mission.
  • Chandrayaan is the Sanskrit name and means “Moon vehicle”.
  • Following Chandrayaan 1&2 failure, ISRO has decided to launch Chandrayaan- 3.
  • As an outcome of hardwork and dedication, on July 14th, 2023, Chandrayaan 3 was successfully launched

What is the introduction to Chandrayaan-3 ?

On July 14, 2023, Chandrayaan-3 was put into orbit. India became the first nation to successfully land a spacecraft close to the lunar south pole on August 23, 2023, at 18:02 IST from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota, by LVM3.

The spacecraft's successful entry into an orbit with a 100-kilometer circumpolar radius. The lander and rover are planned to make a gentle landing in the area of the lunar south pole on August 23, 2023.

“India has become the first country in the world to successfully land a lander module on the Moon's south pole with the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft”

What is the purpose of Chandrayaan- 3 ?

The ambitious Chandrayaan-3 (CH-3) mission is currently traveling to the moon with the goal of achieving a gentle landing, studying the lunar surface, and gathering priceless scientific data. India, under the direction of ISRO, is taking on a technological challenge with this mission.

How many scientists are involved in Chandrayaan-3 ?

With Chandrayaan-3's successful lunar touchdown, India has become the fourth country to perfect the technology of soft lunar landings, following the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union. The Chandrayaan-3 mission included over 54 female engineers and scientists. “The main scientist on Chandrarayaan 3 is P. Veeramuthuvel”

P Veeramuthuvel is the principal investigator; Srikant is the mission director; Kalpana is an associate project director; and Sankaran is the director.

What is the architecture of Chandrayaan-3 ?

  • Chandrayaan-3 consists of a lander, a rover, and a propulsion module.
  • A lander and a rover are propelled by the propulsion module up until lunar orbit.
  • A lander involves perfect landing.
  • A lander consists of tools for the purpose of in-depth analysis.
  • It is also equipped with cameras, spectrometers, and a drill
  • A rover that explores the lunar surface and travels 500 meters over one lunar day at a time.

With Chandrayaan-3, India's space program has grown substantially, showing the nation's technological superiority. The mission is in a good position to provide significant new insights into the composition of the lunar surface, the presence of water ice, the history of lunar impacts, and the genesis of the Moon's atmosphere

The main objective of Chandrayaan 3

Chandrayaan aims to offer important in-situ information about the moon such as natural and chemical components that include soil, water, and others.

The follow-up mission to Chandrayaan 1 & 2, Chandrayaan 3 intends to further strengthen India’s space exploration capabilities. According to ISRO, Chandrayaan 3 would prioritize 3 main key points.

  • One is to show that a safe and straightforward moon landing is possible.
  • The second one is to utilize rovers on the moon.
  • The third goal is to explore the moon’s surface for research.
  • The Chandrayaan-3 mission will be the first to carry out the soft landing near the moon’s south pole if everything goes as planned.
On July 14, 2023, at 2:35 PM IST, the Chandrayaan-3 mission's initial phase was started. On July 14, 2023, LVM3 launched it from SDSC SHAR in Sriharikota. The spacecraft's successful entry into an orbit with a 100km circumpolar radius. The lander and rover are planned to make a gentle landing in the area of the lunar south pole on August 23, 2023.

Disadvantages of Chandrayaan- 3

However, it has its drawbacks, just like every ambitious undertaking. Several things to think about for an English argument are listed below:

Cost : The price of Chandrayaan-3 is one of its main drawbacks. As a result of their intrinsic cost, space missions raise the question of whether the money spent on them would be better spent on other social or developmental requirements.

Risk of failure: There are inherent risks involved in space missions, especially those to other celestial bodies like the Moon. A mission's failure could lead to the loss of priceless scientific resources, data, and equipment, which could be viewed as a waste of tax dollars.

Environmental impact: Environmental effects are a result of space mission development, launch, and operation. Environmental advocates may be concerned about the carbon footprint and waste generated even though the scale may be minimal compared to other industrial activities.

Space debris: Every space mission contributes to the expanding problem of space trash by leaving some debris behind in orbit. The possible effect on other satellites and upcoming missions could be discussed, despite efforts to limit this.


Limited immediate benefits: Some critics contend that Chandrayaan-3's immediate advantages for the general public may be modest. Although space exploration advances both science and technology, some may wonder if these advantages are currently worth the expensive outlay.

Ethical considerations: Some may raise ethical questions about space exploration, arguing that solving issues on Earth should take precedence over missions to other celestial bodies.

Collaboration: Some may argue that spending money on joint international space missions rather than national ones could promote world collaboration and make better use of resources.

What is the cost of Chandrayaan-3 ?

Chandrayaan-3's budget is less than Chandrayaan-2's, which was $96.5 million, at Rs. 615 crore. The budget is notable because it demonstrates ISRO's capacity to maximize resources while meeting mission objectives.

Chandrayaan-3 is a significant advancement for India's space exploration program. Beyond scientific advancements, Chandrayaan's accomplishment has benefits for the country's socioeconomic system. Additionally, it will stimulate and inspire interest in science and technology among the next generation

Chandrayaan’s major benefits for India

  • Exceptional lunar landing accomplishment.
  • Enhancing the sense of economic and national pride.
  • The start of the moon economy.
  • A spark for the commercial space industry.
  • Innovations in space technology.