How to write Synopsis

How to write Synopsis

08-10-2022 how-to-write-synopsis

You may not be aware of what is a synopsis. And why do you need a synopsis for your doctoral research? And how to write and what is the structure of the thesis and all. A Synopsis is simply a detailed and brief summary of the research work that you will be doing for your research work. A synopsis is completely different from writing your abstract. Here, you will be submitting your synopsis during the initial stage of your PhD programme. This document has to be submitted before starting your research work and it acts as a summary of your entire research work.

The format of the synopsis must be
  • Title of your research :

    You must clearly define your research topic in your synopsis. This title introduction will clearly show what your research is going to be.
  • Introduction page :

    Your introduction part must comprise a summary of the current level of knowledge in your research field.
  • Literature review :

    In this part, you need to analyze what others have found out in your particular research field.
  • Aim & Objective :

    What is the aim of your research and what are you trying to find out? What are the objectives that you are trying to bring out by doing this research?
  • Research methodology :

    This part is the most important part of your Synopsis. In this, your research methodology part must contain what is the methodology you are going to choose.
  • References :

    You need to offer a list of all the material that you have referred to in the process of writing your synopsis.
  • Conclusion :

    The conclusion part must contain brief details of your PhD research and totally, and your synopsis must contain 30 pages.

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What you should follow while writing your synopsis?

You must take care of developing your originally developed thesis. You need to edit your synopsis as much as possible to prevent rejection and maintain high quality. You can develop your synopsis after analyzing so many references. Your synopsis usually involves a background study, review of the latest literature, research questions, problem statement, proposed methodology, and expected outcome of your research. It is advised to do proper and deep research before start writing your synopsis so that your quality actually improves.

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How many words your synopsis must contain…
Abstract: (150-200words)
Introduction: (2-4 pages)
Literature review: (2-4 pages)
Methodology: (2-3 pages)
Results: (50-200 words)
Discussion:( 100-150 words)
Conclusion: (3-8 sentences)
What you can expect from HIGS for Synopsis writing service?
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free research work
  • No English or grammatical errors
  • Domain-based writers
  • Free & Unlimited revisions
  • Choosing the wrong verb tense
  • Poor language
  • Overcomplicating formatting
  • Focusing on too many subtopics
  • Going on too long about the topic
  • Poor editing
  • Not knowing what the task actually is
  • Not meeting the paper word count
  • Fail to plan and prepare properly
  • Using unclear jargon
  • Fail to proper paraphrasing
  • Not summarising the entire research work
  • Not including proper keywords
What is the correct synopsis format?

A PhD synopsis has the proper format. But the format of the PhD synopsis may vary from one University to another. However, besides minor changes, the general format of your synopsis remains almost the same for all. You need to follow the below-given structure usually:

  • You must include the title of the research on the title page.
  • You must write the introduction of 2-3 pages
  • The next section is a literature review
  • Objective of your work and hypotheses must be indicated.
  • Methodology or your work plan must be clearly given
  • Include all Bibliography or references of your work
  • Final section occupies Conclusion. Here, you must include the scope and limitations of your research work.
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It is somewhat difficult to meet up the proper guidelines, format, and plagiarism percentage of a synopsis of your work. You must meet the above-mentioned structure and its proper format and rules. You must follow each and every rule of your University that it has set up for reference, page setup, alignment, margins, and more.

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