Thesis Submission Guidelines

Thesis Submission Guidelines

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As a PhD student, you must know about the thesis submission guidelines. A Doctoral student must face this stage of "Thesis submission" in their lifetime. Your supervisor will guide you about the thesis submission guidelines. If you want to submit your thesis, you must look over all the guidelines in order to prevent thesis rejection. Your respected University will provide certain guidelines to follow while thesis submission. A bit of positive thinking will save you from panic while submitting your thesis.

Double-check your thesis submission deadline:

Do not assume that you will be getting an extension if you miss your deadline. If you think that you will need some more time, then apply for it early.

Aware of formatting style:

It is good to know about the format style early. It is required to have knowledge about size, line spacing, font style, and more.

How many copies?
It is necessary to know about the copies needed for the University.

Check your title page:

Make sure that you don’t have any spelling mistakes in your thesis. And check your title page very carefully and get someone else to look at your thesis. Your title page is the first thing that your examiners will see.

What do you need? And what to avoid?
  • At this point, you will need a completed and well-edited thesis.
  • Here, we have listed some of the mistakes that you must avoid while submitting your final copy of the thesis.

Every page of the thesis that includes all appendices, notes, and bibliography that must have a left margin, top, right, and bottom margins with the given size.


You are responsible for numbering and organizing sections in your thesis. Page numbers cannot be placed on the left-hand side of the thesis. The title and copyright pages should not be numbered or counted.

Tables, charts, and graphs

Colour may be utilized in tables, charts, or graphs. You must correctly understand the color combinations and rules given by your University.

List of figures and tables

A list of figures is required in some of the places of your thesis. Each image must be located as per the University rule. The list of figures and charts must be expressed in the table of contents clearly as per the University norms.


There will be a rule that you must use standard font consistency throughout your thesis. And also there will be a limitation in font size. Use conventional style for Latin words (Example: in vitro, in vivo, in situ). In the case of biological terms of your thesis, you should write the text and that must be in italics.


Students should submit the copies of the thesis in the fully bind form to the University. You must capitalize the first letter of the Genus name and other names must be written in a small case.

Plagiarism checking

Your University will also be having specific guidelines for your plagiarism checking. Similarity percentages will be given from your University and you can work on the basis of that

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  • Research student should not protect their files with separate passwords as it will prevent the University Library from processing their thesis correctly. The university library will provide suitable security protections for their files.
  • Several Universities will not review files on a jump or flash drive or external hard drive due to security concerns.
  • Students must keep always this in mind if any content of their thesis is already under copyright, then they have to get permission from the copyright holder to use the content....
  • Each paper of the thesis must be typed on white bond paper measuring 22 cm x 28 cm (A4 size). A thesis paper margin of at least 3.5 cm on the binding side, 2.0 cm on the free side, 3.0 cm on the top, and 2.5 cm on the bottom must be followed. Fonts should be in Times New Roman and a font size of 12 should be used. Typing should be done in one and a half spaces on both sides of the thesis paper. The entire thesis must be typed on the same computer and Photostat copies in the essential number can be prepared.
  • Errors in typing thesis papers must be avoided. A spell checker tool must be used for corrections prior to final printing.
  • The illustrations and photographs should be depicted in the thesis text at the relevant places.
  • All tables (tabulated data) and figures such as charts, graphs, maps, images, diagrams, etc. must be prepared, wherever possible. They should be inserted as close to the written reference as possible.
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