Nursing Research Topics


PhD in Nursing provides a student with both knowledge in Nursing and a clear insight into public health. Comprehensive nursing research topics are available at HIGS. It includes medical-surgical, pediatric, obstetrics, ICU, and mental health nursing. Basic research in PhD in Nursing involves all-term scientific research to advance fundamental knowledge in Nursing. A doctorate nurse can take the role of an administrator and can be a role model for other nurses.

Eye-Catching & contemporary Nursing Research Topics

Here, we have given some eye-catching topics for the research related to Nursing. At HIGS, we are currently undergoing the following field of study. They are,

  • Resistance to antibiotics in children.
  • Major causes of child mortality
  • Causes of childhood obesity
  • Presentation and treatment of ADHD
  • Prenatal effects of exposure to environmental pollutants.
  • Cancer screening, prevention, and education.
  • Prevention strategies of childhood obesity.
  • Cardiac care and congenital heart disease.
  • Stem cell solutions for pediatric diseases.
  • Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
  • Bruise study (light detection of bruises in various skin tones)
  • Chronic disease self-management—Including diabetes self-management.

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

Taking care of mentally challenged people is a challenging task. That field needs some extra research to develop the medication & counseling levels. Here, HIGS has developed some contemporary research topics in Mental health Nursing. They are,

  • Analyzing the effectiveness of meditation on patients.
  • Social media effects on young adults and adolescents.
  • Connections between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Novel methods of prevention and treatment for Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Evaluating the relationship between cancer treatments and depression.
  • Effective methods for the treatment of domestic violence victims.
  • The effectiveness of mirror therapy in brain rehabilitation.

Midwifery Nursing research topics

The area of nursing mainly deals with child care & support. HIGS is currently undergoing the following research topics. They are,

  • The optimization of modern childhood cancer
  • Infant nutrition: preventing obesity and metabolic disorders.
  • Autism: understanding the patient’s language.
  • Evaluating the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The value of stem cells in the treatment of infants.
  • Diagnosing and managing asthma in infants.

Nursing Research Topics for the Health of Women

Several health problems are occurring in women nowadays. Future research will advance the treatments for health issues in women globally. Here, we have mentioned several health issues of women. They are,

  • Breast implants & quality of life
  • Pregnancy complications forecast women’s future health.
  • Reproductive & maternal health
  • Maternal health in rural areas
  • Feminism in women’s health care.
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal maternal health

Elderly care Nursing topics

This field mainly deals with the physical, and mental aspects of old age people. Here are a few topics that one should consider. They are,

  • Prevention and maintenance strategies for hypertensive patients.
  • Effects of prolonged stay on critically ill older persons.
  • Early detection of hypotension.
  • Modern treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The relationship between old age and stroke.
  • Prevention strategies for Alzheimer’s in older people.

Critical care Nursing Research topics

This research area is highly needed and nurses in this field should serve critically ill patients such as patients having life-threatening injuries and diseases. Here, we have listed several research topics in this area. Such as,

  • Capacity planning for Intensive Care Units
  • Early neonatal intensive care unit therapy
  • Nursing Management in ICU
  • The places of nurses in Palliative care
  • Readmission of critical care patients
  • The place of intensive care in the health sector

Psychiatric Nursing research topics

Psychiatric nursing mainly deals with the care offered to people with mental disabilities or mental disorders. Topics of interest in the specialization include,

  • Genetic factors affecting bipolar disorders.
  • Necessary qualities of a psychiatric nurse
  • A review of psychiatric nurses stigmatization experiences.
  • Social media and the imposter syndrome.
  • Interrogating the efficacy of alternative treatments for depression.


Health Promotion Nursing Research topics

This area of medicare calls for the involvement of people in taking care of their health. The few research topics in this field include,

  • Exercise programs for senior citizens
  • Peer-to-peer accountability: the future of public health care.
  • The relationship between ultraviolet rays and skin cancer.
  • The relationship between malnutrition and death in rural communities.
  • Personal and environmental hygiene initiatives for low-income earners.

Pain management Nursing Research topics

In this field, nurses provide methods of intra-muscular, and intra-venous, administrations for patients to relieve them from pain. And there are some research topics in this field. They are,

  • Infant and teenage post-surgery pain relief.
  • Effects of inadequate handling of pain.
  • Geriatric patients and effective pain management.
  • Examining pain levels during surgery.
  • Pain management in child care: modern best practices.

Ethics Nursing topics

This field is an applied discipline, it addresses the moral features of nursing practices. Some of the common research topics include,

  • The place of ethics in nursing
  • What is considered unethical to nurses?
  • What describes an ethical nurse?
  • How to respond during emergencies? - A code of ethics
  • Managing moral distress in daily medical care.

How do we help you?

HIGS has a team of experts to help you select Nursing research topics. HIGS is an expert in Nursing & healthcare. Our team possesses a strong background in History, Law, and Literature. Our experts hold advanced degrees in Nursing and public health. Our analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students to navigate complex research topics in Nursing. HIGS provides insightful research articles on everything from historical analysis. We guide our scholars based on the ‘3’ criteria. They are,

  • 1- Draw from Experience
  • 2- Explore recent studies
  • 3- Connect with peers & professionals

What are all the advantages of hiring HIGS for topic selection?

HIGS gives you huge advantages once you approach us for research topic selection. We are not only providing topic selection help, but we also help you in the entire PhD process from the beginning to the end of the research.

  • We are teamed up with 250+ experts from various research domains.
  • We give you only the latest & interesting research topic because we know you are about to spend your next ‘4’ or ‘5’ years with this same research topic.
  • Before suggesting a particular research topic, we will check whether it has all the necessary sources.
  • HIGS will do deep research to ensure you have received the best research topic.

HIGS has more research topics than your actual expectation. We are teamed up with 250+ subject-matter experts having 10+ years of experience in various subject areas. HIGS offers end-to-end research assistance from the beginning to the end of the research. We assist you in writing, rewriting, editing, proofreading, language polishing, and more. To get the best service, you can dial +918681018401 and you can mail us to