
A dissertation is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject. A dissertation is a unique concept and is defended based on theoretical and practical results. A dissertation addresses a gap in the literature and adds new knowledge to a field through original research.


How to write and structure a dissertation?

The structure of your dissertation completely depends on a variety of factors. It is completely based on your discipline, topic, and approach. Here, we have mentioned the exact structure of the dissertation. They are,

app_registration Title Page

The very first page of the document is your title page. It contains the title, your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date. It contains the student number, your supervisor’s name, and the university’s logo.


An acknowledgment section is usually optional and offers space to thank everyone who helped you write your dissertation. This includes your supervisor and participants in your research.


An abstract is a summary of your dissertation usually about 150-300 length. This is one of the most important parts of your dissertation because it introduces your work to an audience.


The introduction introduces your dissertation topic, purpose, and relevance. It tells the reader what to expect from your research study. It establishes your research topic, your background information, and more.

app_registrationLiterature review

A formative part of your research is your literature review. This helps you gain a thorough understanding of academic work that already exist


Your methodology part must explain the entire process of data collection and analysis. You should include the research instrument and also discuss the sampling process.


In the result section, you must include the main findings of the data collection and analysis you conducted for your thesis.


The thesis discussion includes explanations and interpretations of your results.

app_registration Conclusion

We will restate your thesis. You should discuss the implications of your research.

What is the length of a dissertation?

Your field of study plays an important role in thesis length. Every university has guidelines to be followed. However, the rules may vary from university to university. Here, we have given some of the common rules to be followed.

  • 01. Humanities, political science, or communications: 250–300 pages
  • 02. Engineering and other sciences: 150–200 pages
  • 03. Math and economics: 100 pages

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What are the parts of a dissertation?

  • Abstract: A summary of the research and contains usually about 200-300 words.
  • Introduction: It is an overview of your topic, the questions you are aiming to answer
  • Literature review: You should understand your assignment and you must analyze what kind of literature can be taken.
  • Methodology: The methodology part of the thesis must help readers evaluate the validity & reliability of the methodology part of the research.
  • Result: You should summarize the key findings in a clear & concise language.
  • Discussion: A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic.
  • Conclusion: You should restate the thesis. Review or reiterate key points of your work.


How to start a dissertation?

Here, we have mentioned some tips to start your dissertation. They are,

Brainstorm your ideas

When you come up with many ideas, you must concentrate on topics and questions that you find interesting.

Choose your topic

You can pick from the available interesting dissertation topics.

Read & Learn

You can start reading books, and articles about your chosen topic. You should not depend on internet sources.

Show your plan

Before writing your dissertation, you should share your plan with your supervisors. They give you advice and ensure you are on the right track.

What do we do at HIGS?

As India's best PhD dissertation writing service, we adhere strictly to university guidelines. We maintain a very low plagiarism percentage as per Turnitin's plagiarism report. HIGS is here to help you to write an entire thesis or give you chapter-wise thesis assistance. We help you write a thesis across all subject areas such as Engineering, Management, Science, Technology, Medicine, Arts, Commerce, Business, and more.Here we give some promised qualities in the thesis writing process. They are,

box_edit Time Management

We help you finish your thesis within a short duration. We are here with professionals who help you write your thesis within a minimum time. They are experienced in handling your thesis even during peak hours.

box_edit Subject-matter specialist

We are here to handle your research topic from any subject. We are here to help you in any subject area such as Engineering, Arts, Medicine, Management, Commerce, Business, Science, and more.

box_edit Unlimited free revisions

We give you unlimited revisions until you get a complete satisfaction level. We make modifications & complete customization for you in your thesis.

box_edit Free technical discussion

Our experts give you a free technical discussion at a convenient time. You can connect with us through mail, calls, and texts.

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We provide free price quote offers & discounts. We treat you special by providing offers and discount coupons for our customers.

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We give you a complete service with more free add-ons such as a FREE title page, reference, citations, Turnitin plagiarism report, thesis formatting, consultations, and topic selection.

Services we offer for your flawless dissertation

Our dissertation service at HIGS will enhance your entire phD research journey. We customize your projects by providing all requirements for your thesis.

Our team provides comprehensive writing by framing an excellent research hypothesis, examining suitable literature, finishing the final version, and adjusting citations. Our way of writing your thesis will perfectly match your empirical research, theoretical exploration, or scientific reports.

Our team HIGS will help you craft detailed abstracts, frame detailed methodologies, perform in-depth literature reviews, or analyze complex data in discussions. Get customized support for all important parts!

People also ask

1What exactly is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a substantial research project that completely explains your research topic.

2What is the difference between a thesis & dissertation?

A thesis is a presentation of existing information. A dissertation is a piece of new information found during the research.

3How many pages is a dissertation?

Most dissertations are 100-300 pages in length. Each dissertation will have chapters. It may have main divisions and sub-divisions.

4 Is a dissertation compulsory?

A dissertation is a brief scientific work on a specific research topic that tests a student's independent research skills.

5 How can I get help for my dissertation?

Writing a dissertation is the toughest task. So, if you are stuck during the process of writing, then don’t worry we will help you in writing your thesis with more perfection.

HIGS will assist you in the entire research process in your PhD journey. Our experts are here to help you in writing, editing, proofreading, consultation, publication, implementation, and more. You can dial +91 8681018401 and mail us to researchguidance@higssoftware.com to know more.