Writing A Research Proposal Format

How To Carry Out A Research Proposal

03-10-2020 research proposal writing

This page will give you the details about the research proposal sample, research proposal topics, research proposal structure and more. Many of the PhD research scholars or beginning researchers do not fully recognize what a research proposal stands for and also they do not realize its significance. Honestly, you must frame your research as well as your research proposal. A high-quality research proposal not only promises the success of the research project but also attracts your thesis committee about your potential as a good PhD researcher.

Commonly, a research proposal should have all the key elements involved in the PhD research process and include enough information for the readers to estimate the research study.

Apart from your PhD research area and the methodology, you choose all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.

The research proposal must have enough information about the research to convince your readers. You can satisfy your researchers that you have a sufficient and innovative research plan and ideas, that you have good sources about the relevant literature and the main issues.

The value of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your project and also on the quality of your research proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is badly written. Consequently, it pays if your writing is normal, clear, and compelling.

This paper mainly aimed at the research proposal writing rather than on the progress of the research ideas.

How tough your research paper writing process is?

Writing the PhD research proposal about your research work in the current era is a difficult task because of the normally developing research procedures in the qualitative research plan and the need of incorporating medical advances into the method. The research proposal is a comprehensive plan or it is a blueprint of your intended study. If it is accomplished, the research project will run easily as per the given outline.

A clean and well-formulated research proposals act as the backbone for the PhD research and hence it becomes the most significant step in the method of conducting the PhD research. The aim of preparing a very good research proposal is to get approvals from various committees including the ethics committee. But still, there are very few generally accepted guidelines for the preparation of a good quality research proposal.

How your research proposal used for and why it is important?

  • It is used to begin your research area with the help of experts to support your proposed area of research.
  • The research proposal you present as part of your application is just an initial point, as your ideas build up your proposed research is likely to change.

What should be included in your research proposal?

Your research proposal must have the following:


Your research title should provide a clear sign of your proposed research methodology or key question.


The background data must have:

  • The background and issues of your current research
  • You should point out your research discipline
  • You should include some short literature review of your research.
  • A summary of key debates and developments in the research field.


You should formulate the research questions very clearly, and you must give some explanation about the research problems.


You should give an outline of:

  • The theoretical resources must be detailed
  • The research approach must be clearly drawn.
  • The research methods should be given
  • A discussion of the advantages and limits of particular approaches and methods must be detailed.


  • You must take in an outline of the various stages and related timelines for developing and implementing your research, and it includes writing up your thesis.
  • For the full-time study of your PhD research, you should complete your PhD research within 3 years.
  • For a part-time study, your research must be finished within 6 years.


You must take account of:

  • A record of references and the key point must be discussed in your PhD research proposal
  • A selection of sources relevant to the proposed PhD research must be discussed.

Basic requirements of a research proposal

A proposal needs to show how your research work suitable and how it is possible in all the way of your research. Here, you must include what is already known about your PhD research topic and how it can add a new model to the literature review while specifying all these questions that the research methodology must answer. Your research proposal must establish the importance of your PhD research. The research proposal must be able to convince the evaluation committee about the reliability, possibility, and realism of the research methods.

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