PhD registration in Madras University doubles in 2 years

PhD registration in Madras University doubles in 2 years

Fri, Feb 11 2022 PhD registration in Madras University doubles in 2 years

Chennai: Due to more weightage in the recruitment and a move to make PhD mandatory for the entry-level assistant professor jobs in Universities, the number of PhD registrations at colleges and research institutions affiliated to Madras University have gone up from 406 in 2019 to 859 in 2021.

Among the current faculty members in colleges, only 30%-50% are PhD holders and more are registering now. There are around 5000 scholars doing research under Madras University. Due to the UGC’s move making PhD mandatory for entry-level assistant professor jobs, the University and colleges have witnessed an increase in PhD registrations. We will take steps to develop the quality of research- said vice-chancellor S Gowri.

Several steps like introducing an online monitoring system for PhD scholars and a new set of guidelines for local and foreign examiners have been taken to improve the research quality.