IIT-Patna signs MoU with ISEN

IIT-Patna signs MoU with ISEN

Thu, Jan 20 2021 IIT-Patna signs MoU with ISEN

Patna: IIT-Patna has signed a memorandum of understanding with Institute supérieur de l'electronique et du numérique (ISEN) Increa Ouest in a virtual mode ceremony on Wednesday.

ISEN, is an eminent institute in France in Engineering programme in ICT, micro and nanotechnologies, and innovative design. The MoU will help you to develop relationships between two Universities along with academic and cultural interchange in the areas of education, research, and other activities. The institutes also agreed to cooperate and work together in the internationalization of higher education.

The areas of cooperation will include any programme offered at either University that is felt to be desirable and feasible for developing and strengthening relationships between two institutions. It also includes the exchange of students and PhD students co-training.