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IIT Madras in Collaboration with NPTEL

IIT Madras in Collaboration with NPTEL launched the GATE prep Portal

Tue, Aug16 2022 IIT-Madras-in-Collaboration-with-NPTEL

The IIT Madras and the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) have launched a new portal to provide free training to applicants for the graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). The national level entrance examination is a doorway to IITs, IISc, and other elite universities for admission to master’s level courses or PhD programmes, as well as a gateway to positions at various PSUs.

The NPTEL GATE portal has been made freely accessible to all students to assist students in preparing for the GATE, with CSR funding from studentspreparing for the GATE with CSR funding from India’s top travel technology business, Amadeus Labs Bangalore. NPTEL is a collaborative project of IITs and IISc that offers free online certification courses.