Research Topics on Communication

Guess what! We have found that you are aspiring to do doctorate in communication and that’s why you have landed here to kindle up with your brain on research topics on communication. Communication has seen tremendous growth post-independence with the inventions of new modes and gadgets. All these happened because of researches that took place to address the problems faced by a common man, organizations and business institutions. While human civilization has profited from innovation, it has also faced obstacles, continued research still has been going on in communication to reduce the obstacles and increase efficiency.

Without taking much of your time let’s see some interesting research topics on communication

Mass communication related topics

State-run versus private-sector broadcasting

Is print media still a viable

The media organization's difficulties in disseminating Information

Political fortification through the use of mass media.

Viewers' and listeners' perceptions of mass media

The importance of mass media in Conflict Management.

What protections does the media have under the law?

Challenges to press freedom across countries

Contribution of mass communication in developing countries.

The media's role in the concept of hype

Interpersonal communication related topics

  • The impact of culture on interpersonal communication
  • How can facial expressions and moods influence how we communicate with one another?
  • Relationships between people are becoming more social and personal.
  • In terms of persuasion, how effective is interpersonal communication?
  • Methods of enhancing interpersonal communication.
  • How much does listening takes importance in interpersonal communication?
  • What is the major challenge between oral communication and language?
  • Emotion as a catalyst in interpersonal communication.
research topics on communication

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Social media related topics

  • Social media's campaign efficacy
  • Social media's impact on academic achievement
  • Should social media users be restricted by their age?
  • Role of social media in bringing the world together
  • Social media marketing's efficiency
  • Is social media displacing traditional media?
  • Relation between social media and depression
  • Has social media bridged the gap between families or distanced away?
  • Increasing fake accounts on social media
  • Social media-an effective tool in blood donation

Business communication related topics

  • How might communication help to increase brand awareness?
  • Using outstanding communication abilities, to develop market value
  • Organizational culture and management changes
  • Public relations and corporate strategy
  • Building digital team trust.
  • Communication with employees on maternity leave
  • Important communication issues in the workplace
  • Effective communication abilities for growth in profit.
  • Communication differences between male and female employees by organization.

Other communication related topics

  • When it comes to advocating the use of contraceptives, how effective is broadcast media?
  • The Influence of Cartoon Programs on Aggressive Behavior
  • International journalism's expansion
  • How journalism contributes to peace?
  • Does radio still a considerable choice of communication?
  • The media's impact on free speech
  • Employee satisfaction and the impact of strong leadership communication
  • In a virtual debate, can parties reach an agreement?
  • Traditional debate vs. online communication
  • In virtual scenarios, how do you build trust and credibility?
  • Methods for enhancing deaf, blind, and silent communication
  • How government communicates to people in a pandemic situation?

Mass Communication

The process of conveying and communicating information to the public via mass media is known as mass communication. Mass communication is distinct from other types of communication, such as interpersonal and organizational communication, in that it focuses on a limited number of resources sending information to a large number of recipients. The process of circulating information within regions and across the world is known as mass communication.

There are significant parallels between the material that is consumed through mass communication and our society, which contribute to polarization and division among people over controversial subjects.

Medium of mass communication

Mass Communication is exercised through mediums such as Radios, Television, Social Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Films and Internet.

Impact of mass media on conflict

  • In today's warfare, the media frequently plays a major role. In essence, they can play two opposing roles. Either the media participates actively in the conflict and is responsible for greater violence, or it remains neutral staying away from conflict thereby contributing to conflict resolution and violence reduction.
  • The media's participation in a given conflict, as well as the phases before and after it, is determined by a complex set of elements, including the media's interaction with conflict players and its independence from ruling elites in society.
  • Despite the global prevalence of violent conflict, there is still a lack of consensus on how current conflicts are generated. One factor for this lack of insight could be the media's varying approach to conflict coverage around the world.
  • Citizens can become active stakeholders who understand policies and use information to exercise their human rights by using the media space to improve governance, make public administrations more transparent and accountable.
  • Media serves as a powerful mediator between two conflicting sides paving a way for listening to mutual dialogue and to hear what the society wants and what they need to tell the society.

Interpersonal Communication

The transfer of information between two or more persons is known as interpersonal communication. It's also looks into how people use verbal and nonverbal clues to achieve variety of personal and interpersonal goals. In workplace interpersonal communication drives employee engagement, productivity, and overall performance. People need good interpersonal communication skills to build good relationships both in society and workplace. Interpersonal communication helps families understand emotions, feelings, thoughts of its members avoiding untoward incidents and be a good support to each other.

Research Proven Effects of Interpersonal communication

  • People with high interpersonal skills are more likely to form positive relationships and collaborate effectively.
  • People with excellent interpersonal skills have a good understanding of their family, coworkers and clientele and love to work with coworkers in coordination.
  • Because of their ability to interact with and motivate those around them, people with interpersonal skills become excellent leaders.

Social Media Communication

The term "social media" refers to the means by which individuals connect in virtual communities and networks by creating, sharing, and/or exchanging information and ideas. One can not only listen to what others have to say about them on social media, but can also respond. First, listen and then speak. Social media is a potent communication tool that has significant influence in both urban and rural locations.

According to Oberlo, there are 3.2 billion social media users worldwide as of 2019, accounting for 42 percent of the world's population. As long as you have an internet connection, you can text anyone on the planet today. WhatsApp, as well as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, have all contributed to this transition.

Social media communication has paved way for new dimension of communication where conversations are short and information is easily passed along. Employers are looking for employees who are well in social media platforms to take on crucial responsibilities inside an organization because of its vast impact.

Business Communication

Business communication is exchanging of information between the employees and employers both within and outside of a business organization. Employees and management interact effectively to achieve organizational goals through effective business communication. Its objective is to improve organizational practices and minimize errors.

When there is a lack in communication it gradually affects the organization’s growth. Good business communication increases employee engagement with the company.

Companies with an engaged workforce enjoy a 19.2 percent boost in operational income over a year. Those with poor engagement ratings earn 32.7 percent less.

PhD in Communication

The Doctor of Philosophy in Communications degree takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human-media interactions in cultural, social, governmental, historical, economic, and technological aspects. Students in this PhD program are prepared to perform unique research on communication processes, their origins, and psychological, political, and cultural consequences. With a PhD in communication graduates are likely to get role such as professors, researchers, public relations, leadership roles in journalism or Advertising

We are pleased and thrilled to provide our services to individuals who want their research to have a positive influence as well as those who want to advance their communication careers. We make your dream into reality by taking your PhD to phenomenal level.

Our PhD services ranges from

  • PhD Registration
  • Research Paper Writing
  • Research Proposal Writing
  • Selection of Topic
  • Review Paper
  • Implementation process
  • Thesis Writing
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Viva voce
  • Guideship

We offer customized packages to our clients which have earned us good reputation on client satisfaction.

We make sure you avail all these perks from us!

  • We maintain absolute secrecy on your research works
  • Free Technical discussions with our domain experts.
  • Insightful research topics
  • Need to get a clear picture of PhD process? Our PhD consultation team is waiting for you with answers.
  • Frequent revision on paper
  • Best Implementation done with JAVA, MATLAB, SIMULINK, PYTHON
  • No timely delay in delivery
  • Reduced plagiarism and noteworthy proofreading.
  • Mentorship throughout your course.

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