Research topic in Marketing

HIGS offers you fascinating and impactful research topic in marketing. HIGS have domain experts in almost every domain and marketing is one among them. We know research in marketing is one of the important factors that drive a business. You need a good and current ongoing problem or hypothesis for your research if your research wants to be widely known. Developing a good research topic is provides a good path for your research. Research topic must be clear and must detail about the course of research. HIGS can assure you unique Research topic in marketing under marketing research paper 2020-2021, Research topics in marketing for MBA, Research topics in marketing for PhD, Research topics in marketing communication, and Research topics in marketing analysis.

Having any struggles or difficulties in selecting a research topic in marketing HIGS will be a perfect place to get it done. Our professionals keep on updating their knowledge. With competent teams and years of domain experience HIGS continues to work on interesting and eye-catching research topic in marketing.

What is marketing?

Marketing is a form of convincing communication that involves teaching customers why they should choose your product or service over those offered by competitors. It encompasses all of the steps that go into getting a product or service from your company to the customer. Creating a product or service idea, determining who is likely to buy it, promoting it and selling it through appropriate channels are the components of marketing.

What is market positioning?

Market positioning in simple terms is the strategic approach that includes establishing a brand or product's identity/image in the minds of target customers.

It is important to find the target audience in marketing as it is impossible to sell everything to everyone. For instance, you can’t sell a cricket bat to a footballer. So it’s important to determine who all will be in need of your product or service.

Functions of marketing

Whenever we buy a product or service we tend to know how the product or service functions corresponding to our needs. It helps us to decide whether the product/service is intact. Knowing the functions of Marketing engages in better connection with audience resulting in greater success of marketing. Here are important functions of the marketing and how they shape in improving business activities.

The corrected version will be sent to you for confirmation. A list of SCI journals will be suggested by our teams which are relevant to your field. Finding any difficulty in selecting the journal, HIGS is there for you since we have help publish a lot of researchers in SCI journals it won’t be difficult for us. We prepare a customized list of SCI journals with impact factor matching your study.
Before selling, marketers have to let their audience know that they are selling the product they have been looking for. Good promotion leads to better results in selling. It’s like giving an address to a person who has been wandering in streets not knowing where to go. Promotion can be done through i) Advertising ii) Personal selling iii) Sales promotion iv) Public relation
Customer’s preferences and choice is something which varies in time. It’s the marketing team, who has to keep on satisfying the customer’s needs by performing regular competitor analysis, evaluating feedbacks from the customer support team.
Market gathers a lot of data from customers, it’s the marketing team who analyses and synthesis these data to form a meaningful data and categorize them demographically so as to improve the product/service as per the customer needs.
Pricing is a key factor in deciding the transfer of product/service to the customer. The cost of raw materials used in the product, labour, transportation, promotion, competitor price and profit needed are all taken into account before fixing the price.
Marketing if done successfully it may also lead to more capital gains, and bring in more investors if the company’s value and administration seems to be in scope with future.
The product/service created has to be made available to all. It has to be distributed from the place of production to the consumer’s place. The place of production and distribution doesn’t necessarily have to be same, but companies ensure proper transport facilities to almost every place where their target audience reside.

Research in Marketing

All research activities carried out for the management of marketing work, including the collection, documenting, and analysis of all information regarding the transfer and selling of products and services from manufacturer to customer, are referred to as marketing research. Marketing research is mainly done to satisfy the customer.

PhD in Marketing

PhD in marketing is the highest level of education available in one of the most rapidly expanding fields of marketing. Employments that can be obtained with this degree are rising two to three times faster than the national average.

Today’s marketing learners will use emerging technology to help shape potential marketing campaigns. Tomorrow's marketing executives will face interesting challenges as customers become more socially aware and demanding of brands. This area is ideal for students who enjoy learning about new technologies and the shifting environment.

After giving much thought you have decided to do PhD in Marketing and after looking upon the duration and coursework of your degree, you might face difficulties in starting your work or in the middle, whatever the problem is HIGS is your solution for all PhD related works.

HIGS at your Service

HIGS is the place where you can get solution for all your PhD related works. We know throughout the duration of your PhD it’s quite tough to keep up the pace. Eventually it might lead to stress and frustration with the work and it can be reflected in your personal lives. All this stress and frustration can be averted with little help and support from HIGS. We offer end to end service in PhD ranging from PhD registration to viva voce, our support will be continuous. Our services include,

  • Paper writing
  • Research Proposal Writing
  • Topic Selection
  • Review paper
  • Implementation
  • Thesis Writing
  • Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Guideship
research topic in marketing

Discuss with our Experts

This is how we work!!

  • Right from the moment you confirm us with your order we start our work with much dedication.
  • Our professional team at HIGS who are experts in various domains will make your research work unique. Our team has worked with more than 4500 scholars in various domains which have given us lots of experiences in every aspect of our services
  • We offer best in class research topic in marketing as our PhD experts frequently update their contemporary research knowledge. They have profound knowledge in the subject and can give you futuristic research ideas.
  • We also develop topic with your suggestions if you prefer any
  • We help you in research proposal writing understanding the university guidelines and regulations.
  • Our coordination between our teams will be reflected in the quality of our work.
  • Our coordination between our teams will be reflected in the quality of our work.
  • We are team of more than 100 people, who work constantly with only goal of delivering you a world class research within the given deadline.


  • Free re-assignment process.
  • Free technical discussions.
  • Quality filled research paper with originality and novelty.
  • Attention seeking Research topic
  • Excellent implementation from our skilled technical team with best tools(java, python, simulink, matlab)
  • Help in Journal paper publication. To know more click here(BACKLINK TO JOURNAL PUBLICATION LINK)
  • 100% privacy and confidentiality in our work.
  • Reduced plagiarism and perfect proofreading service from our team.
  • All these will be delivered to you, not exceeding the deadline provided.