Research paper with literature review

What is literature review?


A research paper in a literature review is an overview of previously published articles or works on a particular research topic. You might put in a state of confusion about what’s literature review in research. So we are here to explain the meaning of literature review. Our team HIGS will provide the literature review format for the research paper, sample literature review format APA style, and more. We give you guidance and also explain the importance of literature review, literature review template, and more.

A literature review is actually a survey of scholarly sources, and the sources include journal articles, books, and thesis or dissertations. And the sources may be associate with the particular research topic or a question. Most commonly, it will be written as part of a research paper, thesis , or a dissertation to place your work concerning your current knowledge. The literature reviews can be characterized as theoretical & experimental. In this, experimental literature review stating to surveying all the information presented on a specific research topic and analysing the research gaps that needed to be worked again.

Four main objectives for research paper with literature review :

  • It analyses the literature in your chosen research area.
  • It presents the literature in an organized way.
  • Your literature review integrates and summarizes what is known about a subject.
  • It summarizes previous research area and it says how your project is linked to it.

Do’s and Don’ts of writing a literature review

Do’sliterature-review-purpose Don’tliterature-purpose-review
Do make notes while working with the sources Don’t just read the sources, you need to take notes.
Do keep bibliographic information for your sources. Don’t pick the topic that is too narrow or too broad.
Do talk to your teacher or professor and ask for their advice. Don’t just sum up sources without analyzing them.
Do organize your sources according to the chosen method. Don’t submit your work without proofreading.

A simple 3 steps to follow

A typical literature review possesses only 3 stages. They are:
  • Write the introduction
  • Write the body
  • Write the conclusion
You can use our template to summarize and assess the sources you are thinking about. Click on the below button to download the doc.

Write the introduction:

In the introduction part, you must identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing the literature. At this section, you can point out overall trends in what has been published about the topics, struggles in theory, methodology, evidence, and point out the research gaps.


Write the body:

In the introduction part, you must identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing the literature. At this section, you can point out overall trends in what has been published about the topics, struggles in theory, methodology, evidence, and point out the research gaps.


Write the conclusion:

In the introduction part, you must identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing the literature. At this section, you can point out overall trends in what has been published about the topics, struggles in theory, methodology, evidence, and point out the research gaps.

Overview- Research paper with literature review

Many PhD researchers struggle when it comes to writing a literature review.A literature review is a most tricky process and a literature review is a comprehensive overview of all the knowledge and sources available on a specific topic to date. A literature review is actually a pillar of your research paper. It must provide the proper importance of your research. They are

  • It must provide the understanding of the current literature review to updated research development in the same subject area with the aim of helping the reliability of knowledge.
  • It provides help in analyzing the effect of the up-to-date information in the research area by mapping their development of research knowledge.
  • It brings out the ideas and flaws between numerous beliefs within the area of establishing facts.
  • It indicates the existing research area in the idea of a specific research area.
  • Your literature review part must give the relevancy and coherency to check the research
  • Your research paper and the literature review part must justify the research and set the research question
  • Your way of literature review part must set up a theoretical framework that comprises the research ideas and concepts of the research
  • It increases the importance of the outcomes by associating with the current literature
  • Your literature review will help you to get recognition from the scientific community for having done an effective literature review that matches your subject area.