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The reason behind your thesis rejection! Just know why 90% of your thesis is getting rejected?

reason for thesis rejection

A thesis is the pinnacle of a student's academic journey, representing years of research, dedication, and intellectual exploration. The moment of submitting one's thesis is often accompanied by a mix of excitement and anticipation. However, not all of thesis make it through the evaluation process unscathed. In some cases, the outcome is thesis rejection – a daunting prospect for any student. In this article, we will explore common factors that can lead to thesis rejection and offer insights on how to avoid them.

Reasons for Rejection Of Your Thesis

  • Fail to develop an accurate research question
  • Fail to answer a research question
  • Fail to define the terms and scope of the topic
  • Your thesis may fail to outline the present situation
  • Insufficient literature review
  • Fails to place the study in a broad context
  • Wordiness and over usage of jargon throughout the thesis.
  • Fail to write your thesis reader-friendly
  • Not doing sufficient research
  • References are given inadequately
  • Bad English or Bad language throughout the thesis.
  • Incorrect placement of references and bibliography.
  • Incorrect margins
  • Your proposed research may fail to include the importance of your research
  • Over-complicating your research
  • Using long and bland sentences in your thesis
  • Writing your thesis without a proper outline
  • Using passive voice in the thesis
  • Lack of structure and transitional phrases
  • Lack of structure and transitional phrases
  • Incorrect title and page formatting
  • Incorrect fonts and size
  • Being disorganized throughout the thesis
  • Providing too much and too low information
  • High plagiarism percentage and lack of originality
  • Choosing the wrong and irrelevant research topic
  • You may fail to provide an appropriate review of the literature related to the topic
  • Fail to exhibit relevant data to support your statements
  • Inability to cite proper source
  • Fail to explain proper images and diagrams
  • Not summarizing your entire project
  • Using grammar, spelling, and pronoun mistakes.
  • Not having a good bibliography
  • Indicating the sources incorrectly
  • Presenting incoherent and unrelated arguments
  • The question behind the research is irrelevant
  • If the thesis is out of guidelines
  • Unclear conclusion
  • Graphs that are too small, blurred, or inadequately labeled.
  • Your discussion that only repeats the results of the research and fails to interpret them

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How To Avoid Rejection Of Your Thesis?

Avoiding thesis rejection requires careful planning, attention to detail, and adherence to academic standards. Here are some key steps to help you minimize the risk of thesis rejection:

1.Understand the Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines and requirements set by your institution for thesis submission. Pay close attention to formatting, citation styles, and any other specific instructions.

2.Early Communication: Maintain open communication with your thesis advisor or committee members from the beginning of your research. Seek their guidance, clarify expectations, and address any concerns promptly.

3.Research Proposal: Craft a well-defined research proposal that outlines your research objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes. Ensure that your proposal aligns with the expectations of your department and advisor.

4.Regular Progress Updates: Keep your advisor informed about your progress through regular meetings or updates. This allows for early identification and resolution of any issues that may arise.

5.Thorough Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive literature review to establish the context and significance of your research. Ensure that you are aware of existing work in your field and how your research contributes to it.

6.Methodological Rigor: Ensure that your research methods are well-designed, appropriate for your research question, and well-documented. Address any potential methodological issues in advance.

7.Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical guidelines for research, including obtaining necessary approvals for human subjects or ethical clearance for sensitive research.

8.Consistent Writing and Editing: Maintain a consistent writing schedule and continuously edit and proofread your work. Seek feedback from peers or writing advisors to improve the quality of your writing.

9.Plagiarism Check: Use plagiarism detection tools to check your work for unintentional plagiarism. Properly cite all sources and attribute ideas and data to their respective authors.

10.Peer Review: Before submission, consider having peers or colleagues review your work for clarity, coherence, and potential issues. Their fresh perspectives can be invaluable.

11.Advisor's Review: Submit drafts to your advisor or committee for feedback well in advance of the submission deadline. Address their comments and suggestions diligently.

12.Professional Editing: Consider hiring a professional editor to review your thesis for grammar, style, and formatting issues. This step can significantly enhance the quality of your work.

13.Submission Checklist: Create a detailed checklist to ensure that your thesis complies with all submission requirements, including formatting, citations, and any supplementary materials.

14.Early Submission: Aim to submit your thesis well in advance of the deadline. This allows time for any unexpected issues or revisions that may be necessary.

15.Defence Preparation: Prepare thoroughly for your thesis defence, addressing any questions or concerns your committee may have in advance.

16.Pre-Submission Review: Consider having your thesis reviewed by a faculty member or expert in your field before submission.

HIGS is here to support you in overcoming thesis rejection challenges. Our experienced team of experts offers comprehensive guidance and editing services to help you address feedback, enhance the quality of your work, and resubmit a stronger thesis. With our assistance, you can navigate the revision process with confidence, ultimately achieving the successful acceptance of your thesis.

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