Introduction To Robotics Mechanics Planning And Control

Robotics Engineering Scopes And Uses In India

28-03-2020 uses of robots in daily life

Robotics in engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and science committed for designing, construction, and make use of mechanical robots. Here we will provide complete details about robots, robotics, and different types of robotics. Robots are extensively used in several industries for automobile manufacturing for performing repetitive jobs and in industries where a task must be carried out in environments hazardous to humans.

Robotics is the mixture of science, engineering technologies that generate machines, robots, that is actually an alternate for human actions. Robots are in taking intellectual and mechanical capability that doesn’t put the chances of an R2-D2-like machine out of reach in the upcoming world.

Robots contain a number of mechanical constructions. The mechanical feature of a robot helps to fulfill the responsibilities in the surroundings for which it’s planned. Robots are usually employed and formulated with the intention of carrying out the toughest tasks in an easy way. Hereby you can get the multiple uses and advantages of robots and robotics.

Robots require electrical factors that manage and influence the machinery. Basically, an electric current is required to control a great majority of robots.

Robots comprise at least several levels of computer programming. Without a set of system effectual, a robot would instantly be another section of easy equipment. Inserting a program into a robot provides the capability to recognize when and how to perform the task.

The robotics industry is still comparatively young and well-developing but has previously made a remarkable pace. Robotics is the developing field for many industries because of the vesting advances in the field of robotics.

Types of Robots

Mechanical robots are usually come in all sizes and shapes to proficiently perform the duty for which they are planned. From the 0.2 mm-200 mm robots are available to perform tasks that humans simply can’t perform. Usually, there are 5 types of robots:

Pre-Programmed Robots

Pre-programmed robots run in a restricted background where they do easy, monotonous jobs. For instance, a pre-programmed robot could be formulated with an automatic arm on an automotive assembly line. The arm carried out an important function to weld a door on, to insert a definite part into the engine. Its job is to carry out that task longer, sooner, and more professionally than that of a human.

Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are the sort of robots that similar to human beings and mimic all the characteristics and behavior as humans and exhibit the uniqueness of human beings. These robots usually carry out human-like activities like running, walking, jumping and carrying things, and more. These are sometimes considered to look like humans accurately, even having human face cuts and expressions. There are 2 major examples of humanoid robots are here, they are Hanson Robotics Sophia and Boston Dynamics.

Autonomous Robots

Autonomous robots work without the help of human operators. These robots are frequently planned to perform everyday jobs in an open environment that does not necessitate human management. There is an example of autonomous robots is Rumba vacuum cleaner and it utilizes sensors to roam a home freely.

Tele-operated Robots

Tele-operated robots are mechanical bots controlled by humans. These robots typically work in excessive biological circumstances such as weather, circumstances, etc. There is a great example for tele-operated robots are human-controlled submarines used to fix submarine pipe leaks during the oil spill conditions and some drones are involved in the detection of landmines on a battlefield.

Augmenting Robots

Augmenting robots will augment present human ability or restore the capability of a human may have lost. Some instance of augmenting robots is robotic prosthetic limb or exoskeletons utilized for lifting heavyweights.


Robots are employed to fight against forest fires.

Helping in the sort of manufacturing plants.

Robots offer companionship to aged individuals

advantages of robotics

Robots are serving in a clinical field as a great support of surgical assistants

Robots are used in the delivery field such as delivering and packaging food.

Robots are also involved in the household process such as Autonomous household robots that perform everyday jobs like vacuuming and to cut down the grasses.

Robots are highly involved in the warehouse process.

It is highly involved in toughest situations like natural disasters.

Uses of Robots

history of robotics

Robots are highly used in the manufacturing process, logistics, home purposes, during traveling, healthcare processes, and more. Among these fields, the manufacturing field is one of the oldest and well-known fields of using robots. In the field of logistics, robots are highly used in the process of shipping, packing, and handling. Moreover, in our houses, robots can be seen everywhere to carry out our day to day works.

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