Duration of PhD in India

Duration of PhD in India

28-03-2020 duration-of-phd-india

Just know about the duration of PhD in India, minimum duration of PhD in India, course duration of PhD in India, and more. Actually, the degree of PhD researches will take up a minimum of three years of time. According to the rule of Indian Universities, a research program can be done with a minimal period of 3-3.5 years. But, due to some lack of guidance, availability of sources and motivation, the research may be struck up to 9-10 years. Our team can provide the details about the eligibility to do PhD in India. The doctoral research is completely relies upon your caliber and hard work and some less chance of luck.

There are some other factors involves in the completion of your doctoral program i.e. selection of supervisor, the topic of research, financial problems, research barriers and availability of resources etc. Duration for the PhD course may vary from college to college. There are certain colleges and the duration of the course is mentioned below for the reference.

Anna University (AU)

Anna University is offering part-time and full-time courses for the PhD students. AU offers PhD programs under the category of Engineering and Technology, Science and Humanities, Management studies. The management programs are relied on the scientific qualification and engineering qualification.


For engineering candidates under full time course of PhD can get the doctorate within 2 years and for part time courses the aspirant can get the degree within 3 years of period. And totally the PhD students under the engineering domain can finish the doctoral programs within the time of six years.


Architecture programs provided by AU, provides the PhD programs under the same duration similar to the engineering category. Full-time courses, offers the time duration of about 2 years and part-time courses offers the time duration of 3 years.

Science and Humanities

AU is currently offering many doctoral programs under various disciplines. The research programs under science and humanities offer both part-time in addition to full-time research programs. But the period of these courses is quiet longer as compared with the duration taken for the engineering research programs. The students pursuing PhD program under the full-time course schedule they have 3 years of time to complete the research. But the student who is pursuing part-time has a research time of nearly 4 years. And whatever the course that University offers will have maximum time duration of 6 years.

Management studies

As mentioned above, Anna University is offering management research programs under two categories, they are; under science qualification and engineering qualification.

  • Science qualification

    Management students who are pursuing management research programs with science qualification have the maximum time duration of about 6 years. Whereas, the full-time course students having 3 years of time and the part-time course students having nearly 4 years of time.

  • Engineering qualification

    Engineering students under full-time doctoral program having duration of about 2 years and the students under part-time having duration of about 3 years.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

IIT is offering PhD courses of various disciplines with a minimum duration of 3years and the maximum duration of 6 years. IIT also offers PhD courses under both full-time and part-time. Usually, the degrees in the Engineering field may take nearly 4 to 5 years and it may go even further. The time duration for the PhD work depends upon state to state.


Students whoever pursuing PhD under the engineering field are allowed to take 7 years for the submission of their thesis. But under the norms of IIT, students holding M.Tech degree are allowed to take 6 years for their dissertation submission.


PhD under management studies in IIT gives a broad view of curriculum reviewed and monitored by the experts and offers complete 6 years of research programs.

VIT University

Normally, the PhD courses under VIT University will offer only three years of duration for the submission of their thesis. On the basis of the availability of sources and research time, the duration of the course may differ.


Students pursuing a doctoral program under VIT offer time duration to finish the research within or up to 3-4 years of time. And under the complete guidance of the eminent scientist and doctorate fellows, students can complete the entire thesis within the provided course time.

Amity University

Amity University is offering PhD programs for the desired students with a minimal duration of about 4.5 years. The maximum residency period of full-time and part-time research fellows is about 6 years. And also the minimum period of the course may vary based on full-time and part-time students. Minimum time for the full-time scholars is three years and the minimum time for the part-time students is about 4 years.

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