Does your research proposal lacks clarity?- research proposal

Does your research proposal lacks clarity?

3-08-2020 phd-university-registration-process

Searching for someone potential or organizations to fund for your research or just completing the requirements of your university admissions or writing a formal request to let know your university about your research then you are most likely to write a research proposal. Research proposal basically shows the necessity to examine a research problem with reasonable techniques for carrying out the proposed research.

Will HIGS help you in your research proposal?

Of course we help you in your research proposal by

  • Ensuring your paper is in the hands of qualified expert in respective domains.
  • Our proposal review board includes PhD majors from various domains such as Science, Arts, Medicine, Management, Literature, Journalism, Engineering etc.
  • Writing a customized research proposal for those who requested, based on university requirements or to funding organizations
  • Relevant citations and references will be added in your research proposal which makes the readers to understand what has been done previously on this research.

Apart from this our proposal help involves the following pattern

Unless you are clear about your research topic, we don’t recommend start writing your research proposal. If you need support for finding the best research topics too, HIGS will you assist you in the same. Let’s move on to the proposal pattern,


An introduction in the research proposal is like a frontline defense in a war. Therefore we write the introduction in such a way that the readers can easily get in mind, what is the research about and why is it important. The introduction mainly focuses on

  • What’s the primary issue of research?
  • How it adds value to the academics and rest of the world?
  • Why should a reader of the proposal be focused about the projected research findings?

Previously Related Researches (Background study)

6 secs!! That’s the time recruiters take to go through the resume of candidates according to a survey. The same happens to readers who go through your proposal, well not in 6 secs, but they won’t be having the time to sit and read your whole proposal. So we keep the background study precise and clear. We evaluate your background study by checking whether it answers the following

Does it mention clearly about the research problem and elaborate on its purpose?
  • Does it highlight the central issue of research?
  • Does it provide details on the methodology and data collection techniques?
  • Does it mention about the limitations of the research?
  • Does it explain in an interesting and logical order?

Literature analysis

The background study is followed by literature review. It’s usually lengthy and consists of relevant existing knowledge in the concerned research. Literature review helps to look into the gap the research addresses.

We always arrange the studies in chronological order which makes it comfortable for the readers to understand. The Five ‘C’s is a widely followed literature pattern which also sometimes favor us

  • Cite- always cite only the literature relevant to your research problem
  • Compare- compare with the models, methods and outcomes of the those literature
  • Contrast- Describe the key points of disagreement and discussion
  • Critique- Recognize the compelling arguments.
  • Determine which approaches appear to be the most valid, appropriate, and trustworthy.
  • Connect- connect your research with the literature study and mention how does it relate or stand unique.

Research Objectives

Research objectives help to not deviate from the proposed topic. Research objectives answers,

  • What do you expect to accomplish?
  • Why are you interested in this research?
  • How do you plan to accomplish?

Research methodology

This part explains the HOW? of the research. In short, the proposed methodology whether it’s qualitative or quantitative or based on sampling techniques or whatever technique used must convince the readers the potential and practicality of the research including the references and sources. There should be also enough statements to prove why this technique has been chosen for this research.

In the end summarize the research methods, process and the constraints in the research. Since at this stage, with the actual research yet to begin the research must be appropriate


References contains list of all the cited sources in the research proposal. We check for your university guidelines whether they have recommended any particular citation style or else we use the common citation style

Conclusion part

Presenting some of the projected outcomes is one of the greatest methods to end your research proposal. At this stage you must reveal the results and arguments you hope to reach. This will give the reader a thought that you have looked ahead in the research and its importance.

Budgetary Plan

When you are writing a proposal for any potential funding organizations or research institute it’s a good idea to include some budget detailing. As it helps them to take decisions and also it impresses them that you are well prepared to this extend. But be practical in your budget and never put false calculations as it may be a quick reason to reject your proposal.

The budget should include,

  • Total cost
  • Reason to defend the total cost
  • Source of calculation
  • Travel related costs
  • Time required for the completion of research
  • Outsourcing activities and costs (if needed)